Chemical Management
Chemical Management is a pre-treatment management software that provides invaluable insight into the operation of your machine and allows for the most consistent product quality at the lowest possible operating cost.
Chemical Management is a configurable system that monitors each machine stage, including temperature, pH-level, conductivity and water pump pressure. The management software allows the user an easy way to constantly monitor all chemical baths in real-time and automatically logs all data for historical trending and reporting. This data is available on a PC, through secured remote access and in a manual log.
All configurations are completed from a touch-screen work station. Here’s more on how it works:
Chemical Bath Monitoring: Bath monitoring is automatic and is performed in real-time via Ethernet connection to the Chemical Management unit. This minimizes the cost of data collection and at the same time adds reliability.
Alarm points are also configurable by the user: Each process point can be configured for two high alarms and two low alarms, which can trigger and alert operators with an alarm beacon, a notification on the Chemical Management software, an audible alarm if installed and remote email. All system alarms are logged and are accessible for historical analysis. Alarms are also sent to the wireless “on-the-belt” PDA unit.
Comprehensive data mining tools: Data mining tools that allow for in-depth analysis include custom report generation and historical trending generation. This component is one of the strongest features of the Chemical Management system and is excellent for ISO reporting requirements and process improvement. Built-in reporting includes alarm management, downtime analysis, daily report, XY trends and manual log reports.
Chemical Management can also offer:
Paint System Monitoring that includes dry-off oven and bake-oven temperature monitoring (1 per oven), and environmental room humidity and temperature. All points can be analyzed via the data mining tools described above.
Utility Monitoring for gas, water and reverse osmosis water, all of which are major cost factors in operating your pre-treatment machine. This option totalizes the use of these utilities. One point is each utility and all points can be analyzed via the data mining tools described above.
Other Monitoring may be included with your system. All points can be analyzed via the data mining tools described above.